
In an effort to narrow down what causes the horrible phlegm build-up I sometimes experience, I’m going to try eliminating dairy products entirely. From my diet, not from the planet (“We gotta nuke this cow pasture from orbit. Only way to be sure.”) I’m already lactose intolerant, but it seems like after I have a bowl of cereal, even with lactose-free milk, I get all congested.

So I picked up some soy milk and almond milk. I really dreaded this day as I figured soy milk would taste terrible. But it was okay. Or perhaps the Cookie Crisp covered the taste.

I still want to see an allergist to see if there is anything else I should be avoiding. I will also be looking into surgery to correct my deviated septum. Being able to breathe clearly through both nostrils would be nice.

5 Comments on "Milk"

  1. Kristin says:

    Now you can have steamed drinks at my house without bringing your own separate milk.

  2. Monica says:

    Could be the wheat in the cereal rather than the milk? I hate it that a person has to resort to this sort of scientific inquiry… 🙁

  3. Drey says:

    I think I tried the no wheat thing for a while and it didn’t have a noticeable effect other then preventing me from eating almost everything I liked.

  4. Beth says:

    Cereal with orange juice FTW. Really, it works. Obviously not with all cereals (like Cookie Crisp, I’m guessing), but it works with neutral cereals, like Cheerios, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, etc.

    • Drey says:

      I remember when I first saw you pour orange juice in your cereal. I mentally filed it away so that I could bring it out again if you questioned any of my idiosyncrasies.

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